Friday, May 27, 2011

I Finished!

The first draft of THE HOMUNCULUS is finished!  Woot!  I started that bad boy on 1 Feb 2010.  Gah.... But it's done now! 

Tomorrow I start on THE REVENANT.   Yippee!

Edits will wait until all three are done so I can work on them as a whole.  Makes continuity easier to manage.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Update

I've passed 90,000 words in The Homunculus.  That's 10,000 words since my last post on 6 May, which is 17 days, which is an average of 588 words a day.

Wow, that sucks....

This book has been like pulling teeth.  I'm enjoying the way it's turning out, but hoo, man, it's been fighting me!  The Battle Sylph took me a month to write.  I have no idea why (but I wish that always happened).  Each successive Sylph book took longer to finish, to the point where book 4 took 9 months to write (book 4 does take place before book 5, but I wrote book 5 first).

I actually started writing The Homunculus on 1 Feb 2010.  It REALLY fought me then until I had to put it aside for about 6 months or so until I figured out how to rework the plot.  Good thing I didn't have a contract for it (still don't) as that would have really made me nervous.

My all time record for writing a book is for one called Hunting the Rapture.  It's up at about a dozen houses right now for sale.  It's 511 typed pages, over 200,000 words, and took me four years to write.  That one was written back when I wrote everything out longhand.... took years to get me to actually type stuff straight into a computer, so I don't think that record will be broken....I hope.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another update

I've hit 80,000 words in The Humunculus!  Yay!

I've also got ideas for the next series I'm going to write *sigh* that may go as many as seven books in length.

For anyone who is paying attention, I've finished playing with my site design of the most part and is just a splash page leading here.  Much kudos to Starkite Works for helping me do this.  I couldn't have done it without her.